Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya and model-turned-actress Natasa Stankovic got married during the COVID-19 pandemic. The same year, they were blessed with a son, whom they lovingly named Agastya. Since the two had a hush-hush wedding, in 2023, they renewed their wedding vows in an intimate ceremony in Udaipur, Rajasthan. This time, their wedding looked nothing less than a fairytale, and Natasa’s bridal couture was loved by her fans. However, for a few days, rumours were rife on social media that trouble has struck the couple’s life.
Natasa Stankovic posted an adorable photo of ‘Baby Rover Panda’
Meanwhile, netizens also noticed several cryptic posts put up by Natasa Stankovic, leading to more speculations about trouble in her and Hardik Pandya’s marriage. Fortunately, now it seems like everything is getting back to normal, as the actress has dropped a cute post on her social media handle. On her IG Stories, Natasa posted a picture of her cute baby, who was wearing a panda embroidered t-shirt. Above it, she wrote:
Baby Rover Pand(Y)a.”
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Natasa Stankovic had earlier posted a beautiful selfie and was asked if she would spill the tea
Earlier, on June 1, 2024, Natasa posted a boomerang selfie on her Instagram Stories while riding in a car. She wore a white outfit paired with a printed blue dupatta. She completed her look with a pair of golden earrings and cool shades. Furthermore, she kept her makeup subtle and opted for an open hairdo. In her next IG Story, Natasa was seen holding a cup of black tea in her hand while riding in a car. Thus, while sharing the photo, she started a poll, on top of which she wrote, “Will I spill the tea?” However, Natasa’s followers soon got involved with the ongoing speculations about her divorce from Hardik.
Amid divorce rumours, Natasa Stankovic restores all her wedding photos with Hardik Pandya
As per reports, Natasa and Hardik’s divorce speculation started on social media after the diva deleted (archived) her wedding photos. Also, she removed her husband’s surname ‘Pandya’ from her IG username. This made netizens speculate that something is going wrong in their paradise. Finally, the diva has restored all those photos, much to the relief of her fans. While scrolling through her timeline, we noticed the same. However, there has been no official statement from her side.
A Reddit user once claimed that Hardik and Natasa’s divorce rumour was a PR stunt
Earlier, a Reddit user said on the discussion forum that Hardik and Natasa initially had a casual relationship. However, the model got pregnant with his child, and they gradually decided to get married. The post also claimed that Hardik and Natasa willingly decided to spread the divorce rumours as part of their PR strategy. According to the Reddit user, this was mainly done to whitewash the image of the cricketer, who had to face social media ire for taking over the Mumbai Indians captaincy from Rohit Sharma. The post even stated that the couple will not be getting divorced.
What do you think of Natasa’s latest post? Let us know!