Alia Bhatt’s daughter Raha Kapoor is one of the industry’s favourite star kids. Whenever a new look of hers is revealed or her mother posts her pictures on social media, our hearts melt with her cuteness. Some time ago, on May 26, Alia shared a photo of her daughter, which shows how Alia spent her Sunday with her daughter. Seeing Raha in this, her aunt i.e. Alia’s friend has showered a lot of love on her. On May 26, Alia Bhatt posted a heart-warming picture of herself and her daughter Raha Kapoor on her Instagram account. In the photo, we can see that Alia is holding her munchkin in her lap and is reading the book ‘Baby Be Kind’ to her while sitting on the sofa. It is being guessed from the photo that Raha is also looking at the book and listening to it. Sharing the picture, Alia wrote, ‘Baby be kind.’ Alia’s friend Akanksha Ranjan Kapoor has showered a lot of love on this photo in the comment.
Ranbir-Alia will move into a new house with their daughter on Diwali
We often see Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt and Neetu Kapoor moving towards the construction of their new home Krishna Raj. According to ‘Hindustan Times’, the work is in full swing and the Kapoors might be handed over the house in the coming months. The publication quoted a source as saying, “The work on their bungalow is almost complete, finishing work is going on, which should take about a month. They will move in once the work is complete and they get the green signal. This is the moment they have been eagerly waiting for. They will likely celebrate Diwali with Raha in the new house this year.”
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Ranbir Kapoor grew up in this house
It is also reported that Alia Bhatt is looking after the decoration of the place. The source said that the whole family is excited to move to this new place with the little one. The source said- Stepping into the house with Raha will definitely be a special one for everyone. This is the house where Ranbir grew up. Now, along with Ranbir, Alia also wants to see Raha grow up in the same place with all the memories around her.
Alia Bhatt’s work front
Alia recently grabbed everyone’s attention with her appearance at the Met Gala 2024. She is gearing up for the release of Vasan Bala’s ‘Jigra’, which also stars The Archies star Vedang Raina. The film will release on September 27, 2024.