Glimpse of Gauri Khan reminding Shah Rukh to wear a mask, love talks abound: We all know the Shah Rukh Khan is currently beaming with pride as after 10 years, his cricket team Kolkata Knight Riders in IPL 2024 has lifted the trophy after a thrilling match against the Sunrisers Hyderabad team. To mark the special day, the actor was present in the stands with his entire family including his wife Gauri Khan and their three kids Aryan Khan, Suhana Khan and AbRam Khan. And now, we got a very special glimpse of the evergreen couple Gauri and Shah Rukh from the same event which proves their unmatched love for each other.
Gauri Khan kept reminding Shah Rukh Khan to wear a mask during KKR’s final match
After KKR’s big win in IPL 2024, the internet is abuzz with several glimpses of it, showing the happiness of both the players and the owners. Amidst all this, a fan recently dropped a video on X, which included glimpses of two different moments in which Gauri Khan can be seen reminding her husband Shah Rukh Khan to wear a mask. In the first glimpse taken during KKR’s win, Shah Rukh can be seen happily hugging all three of his kids. However, it was his lovely wife Gauri, who reminded him to wear a mask.
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Gauri protecting her pasandida human and making him wear mask every now and then is my favourite genre of winning in love 💜 #ShahRukhKhan #GauriKhan
— Neel Joshi (@iamn3el) May 27, 2024
The next clip is from the moment when Shah Rukh and all his family members came down to cheer for their team after they won the tournament. In no time, the actor was surrounded by players and media personnel, with Gauri again reminding him to wear a mask, which he duly listened to and wore one throughout the day. This video is definitely a proof of the unmatched love Gauri and Shah Rukh have for each other even today.
After KKR’s win, SRK gave Gauri a loving kiss on her forehead
Well, Kolkata Knight Rider’s victory in IPL 2024 was quite a deserving finale, as the team consistently performed better in each match this season. While the whole country was glued to the television screens to watch the thrilling final playoff between the two teams, Shah Rukh Khan grabbed everyone’s attention by lovingly planting a kiss on his wife Gauri Khan’s forehead when KKR was declared the winner. This lovely moment indeed became a priceless memory for all his fans.
Shahrukh Khan suffered a heat stroke during KKR’s semi-final playoff
On May 22, 2024 when Kolkata Knight Riders played their semi-final round against Sunrisers Hyderabad at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad. As always, Shah Rukh Khan, who has been enthusiastically attending almost all the matches of his team, attended the play-offs with his children Suhana and AbRam. However, due to the extreme heat of the weather, the actor suffered a heatstroke, after which he was rushed to the city’s KD Hospital. The actor was immediately given treatment and he made a full recovery.
What do you think about this priceless gesture of Gauri Khan towards Shah Rukh Khan?