Shahana Goswami has been making headlines at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival for all the right reasons. The actress stunned everyone at the fest by wearing not one but three beautiful outfits from three different designers and did complete justice to all the looks. Sahana participated in Cannes 2024 as her own film. Satisfaction It premiered in the episode Un Certain Regard.
Sahana Goswami fascinates us in Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla drape
Shahana impressed everyone with her champagne colored satin drape saree by famous designer duo, Abu Jani and Sandeep Khosla. Along with the saree, her OOTD included a Swarovski crystal-studded blouse. She completed her look with glam makeup and accessorized her outfit with statement diamond earrings.
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Shahana Goswami stuns in printed green outfit in Cannes
The next day, Shahana wore a stunning green printed flowy dress with collar detailing. This outfit was from designer label AK OK. The dress came with lace detailing on the sleeves and had cut-outs. She completed her look with funky sunglasses and earrings from Aularth.
Shahana Goswami’s golden transparent dress
Saving the best for last, Sahana wore a stunning masterpiece by Rahul Mishra. On the day of the premiere, Shahana wore a golden dress, and to say that she looked ethereal would be an understatement. Her attire had intricate gold embellishments as well as sheer playfulness and even the pendants hung attractively from the sleeves. The outfit complimented Shahana’s complexion and brought out the best of her physique.
Shahana went all out for glamor and opted for a bold eye look with dramatic wings and neutral shadows. She kept her lips nude in brown shades and completed her look with statement gold earrings.
Tell us your thoughts on Sahana’s Cannes looks.